Supercharge Your Lead Generation with’s Organic Referral Amplification Platform

Lead Generation

Your Funnel May Be Leaking!

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In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative strategies to grow their B2C audience through lead generation.  Traditional methods like SEO, content marketing, and PPC advertising have their place, but they often come with high acquisition costs and varying degrees of effectiveness.™ is an organic referral amplification platform designed to revolutionize your Lead Generation efforts by utilizing incentivized sharing and creating a digital chain reaction of multi-generational sharing.  This process empowers you to tap into the social networks of your existing audience to identify and engage likeminded individuals who are highly likely to be qualified as customers.  This not only optimizes your lead generation strategies to deliver much higher returns to your sales funnel, but also slashes acquisition costs exponentially, taking your Growth Marketing efforts to unprecedented heights at a much lower COA.

The Power of Organic Referral Amplification

At its core,’s platform is built on the principle of organic referral amplification. This strategy capitalizes on the power of word-of-mouth marketing, which has long been recognized as one of the most effective forms of promotion. However, takes this concept a step further by incorporating digital incentives and automated processes that encourage users to share your content or offers within their social communities.

How™ Works™ operates by creating a seamless experience for users to share your content as part of their visit. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

    1. Incentivized Sharing: Users in your existing audience (subscribers, followers) are motivated to share your content through incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or entries into a prize draw. This initial incentive creates the first wave of sharing.
    2. Digital Chain Reaction: As users share the content, their friends and followers, who are likely to have similar interests, are exposed to your brand. These new users can then also participate in the incentive program, creating a second wave of sharing.
    3. Multi-Generational Sharing: This process repeats, leading to a multi-generational chain reaction. Each new generation of sharers further amplifies your reach creating a ‘rypl-effect’, tapping into ever-expanding networks of potential customers.
    4. Qualified Leads: Because the shares come from trusted sources (friends, family, colleagues), the leads generated through this process are highly qualified and more likely to convert.

Benefits of™’s Platform

The benefits of using™ for your lead generation efforts are manifold:

    • Exponential Reach: By leveraging the social networks of your existing customers,™ exponentially increases your brand’s reach deeper and wider.
    • Cost-Effective: Traditional digital marketing methods often come with high acquisition costs.™’s organic referral amplification significantly reduces these costs by turning your customers into brand advocates.
    • High-Quality Leads: Leads generated through referrals tend to be of higher quality because they come from trusted sources and are more likely to be genuinely interested in your product or service.
    • Enhanced Engagement: The incentivized sharing model keeps users engaged with your brand, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

Incorporating™ into Your Lead Generation Strategy

To maximize the effectiveness of the™ platform, simply integrate the amplification solution seamlessly into your overall lead generation strategy. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Combine with Content Marketing
      Content marketing is a cornerstone of any lead generation strategy. By creating valuable and shareable content, you provide your audience with something worth sharing.™ enhances this by adding a duel-incentive layer. For instance, you can engage users by offering a discount and then encourage them to share your content/ promo with their social networks by offering a valuable grand prize to 1 lucky winner.
    2. Enhance Email Marketing Campaigns
      Email marketing remains a powerful tool for nurturing leads. Integrate™’s amplification system into your email campaigns by offering incentives for subscribers who share your emails with their contacts. This not only increases the reach of your email campaigns but also brings in new, qualified leads.
    3. Optimize Social Media Marketing
      Social media marketing platforms are inherently designed for sharing. Use™ to create campaigns that encourage your followers to share your posts in exchange for rewards. For example, you could run a contest where participants gain additional entries for each friend that is referred to your page.
    4. Leverage SEO with Referrals
      SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website. By incorporating™’s referral amplification, you can boost the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. When users share your content, it generates backlinks and social signals that improve your search engine rankings, driving even more organic traffic to your site.
    5. Utilize PPC Advertising
      PPC advertising is effective but can be expensive. By combining it with™’s referral amplification, you can reduce your overall acquisition costs. Encourage users who click on your ads to share your offers with their networks, thereby amplifying the impact of each click.
    6. Implementing Lead Magnet Ideas
      To further enhance your lead generation efforts, consider using various lead magnet ideas. Offer valuable resources like free trials, exclusive webinars, or comprehensive guides in exchange for contact information.™ can amplify the impact of these lead magnets by encouraging users to share them with their networks.
    7. Using Marketing Automation
      Marketing automation tools can streamline your lead generation process. By integrating™ with your existing CRM and automation platforms, you can automate the referral process, track engagement, and nurture leads more effectively.
    8. Focus on Conversion Rate Optimization
      Improving your conversion rate optimization is key to maximizing the value of your leads.™ helps by bringing in highly qualified leads who are more likely to convert. Combine this with optimized landing pages and personalized follow-ups adds to the amplification, allowing you to see significant improvements in your conversion rates.
    9. Leveraging Influencer Marketing
      Influencer marketing can further boost your lead generation efforts. Partner with influencers who align with your brand values and audience. Use™ to incentivize influencers to share your content, driving their followers to your site and generating high-quality leads.

All amplification strategies using™ will transform sharers into organic influencers.  This creates networks of new acquisitions and additional organic & exponential influence.  You can review your campaign insights to identify the most impactful organic influencers and invite them to participate in future campaigns for additional incentives.

Case Study: Success with

To illustrate the effectiveness of™’s platform, let’s consider a hypothetical case study of a B2C company, “EcoWear,” a sustainable clothing brand.

Initial Challenge

EcoWear was struggling with high customer acquisition costs and limited reach despite investing heavily in digital marketing. They needed a cost-effective solution to grow their customer base.


EcoWear implemented™’s platform by creating an incentive program where users could receive a 10% discount by engaging in the campaign.  Then, for each share they made that engaged in the campaign, they would be entered to win what they spent! They integrated this program into their email campaigns, social media posts, and website.


    • Increased Reach: Within three months, EcoWear saw a 300% increase in social media marketing shares, leading to a significant boost in brand awareness and acquisitions.
    • Reduced Acquisition Costs: The cost per acquisition dropped by 40%, allowing EcoWear to reallocate budget to future amplification campaigns.
    • High-Quality Leads: The leads generated through™’s platform had a 20% higher conversion rate compared to those acquired through traditional digital marketing channels.
    • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Customers were more engaged, with many participating in multiple referral campaigns and becoming repeat buyers.

Conclusion™’s organic referral amplification platform offers a revolutionary approach to B2C lead generation. By leveraging incentivized sharing and creating a digital chain reaction of multi-generational sharing,™ taps into the social networks of likeminded individuals, significantly increasing your reach and reducing acquisition costs. Incorporating™ into your lead generation strategy can enhance the effectiveness of your content marketing, email campaigns, social media marketing, SEO, and PPC advertising. As seen in the case of EcoWear, this innovative platform can drive exponential growth and foster deeper customer engagement. Embrace™ and take your lead generation efforts to new heights.™ Blogs

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Try this simple Applet Now!

Fill in the form below, then when you submit the form, you will be invited to share™ on your preferred social or messaging platforms.  That’s how easy it is.  When you share, you’re inviting others to share, who will in turn invite others from their communities to share.  This is how amplification works.

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