The first and only digital ad proliferation platform

Reach 10x the audience with 1/10th the effort by implementing automated organic referral generation

Transform a single paid ad on 1 social platform into a viral sensation across all social and messaging platforms.  Place your ad on one social platform and have it seen in multiple platforms!™: Amplification on Autopilot

Deeper & Wider

When you place your digital ad in a single platform, will automatically expand the ad across multiple social and messaging platforms, substantially increasing the ad’s reach through a process of organic amplification that exposes the ad to a plethora of likeminded people in trusted relationships throughout multiple network communities.  The result is the generation of thousands of additional referrals all while decreasing your cost of acquisition.

Supercharge your digital ad budget!

Normally an ad in a single platform is limited to that platform’s reach, limiting results to only that platform.  With’s automated referral generation, your ad will now be spread across additional channels like X, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Messenger, Email, etc. You’ll experience organic, viral exposure that goes beyond the reach of the initial audience into a network community of likeminded, trusted relationships, which generates thousands of additional ‘lookalike’ viewers. This will deliver thousands of additional acquisitions for the same ad spend!

Set it & forget it’s ‘Reach Extender’ automated ad proliferation & referral generation technology was designed to do all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.  And why would you want to?  The automated relationship network connectivity that is the basis of’s proprietary IP would take massive investments in time and resources to accomplish manually – and would still fall short of the capabilities possible with the system. So go ahead… just set it – and forget it!

Actionable Analytics

Maximize your ad spend, minimize your efforts’s proprietary automation analytics deliver:

  • Mapping of cross-platform, multi-level, network referral relationships
  • Full amplification measurement (direct and indirect)
  • Complete ROI breakdown
  • Proof of reduced cost of acquisition
  • Most influential social & messaging platforms
  • Most successful channels for your space
  • Strongest organic influencers

Our Guarantee:

Our guarantee is self-fulfilling.  When you run an automated amplification campaign you will at minimum double the referrals brought from your ad.  If you don’t – you only pay for what was generated! 

Reach out to us to see a demo or get started today!

"This Is The Growth Hack Model Used by Dropbox to Build Their Massive Audience!"

Leverage Your Existing Audience

The people currently in your audience possess something that is very valuable to you – they have relationships with people of like mind within their social communities.  By using the very simple but valuable strategy of dangling a carrot, you can motivate your audience to share a promotion with their friends, generating engagement and causing a chain-reaction of sharing that can ripple deep & wide across each of their social communities.

Cross-Platform Lookalike Audience

Aligning with the old adage that ‘birds of a feather flock together’, amplification extends the concept of lookalike campaigns, which target audiences similar to your best customers to a broader and more dynamic landscape. While platforms like Facebook’s lookalike audience targeting feature are powerful, they are confined to only that platform’s ecosystem., however, democratizes and multiplies this invaluable lookalike capability across all social network and messaging platforms, automating the amplification process and allowing B2C companies to scale their marketing efforts far beyond a single platform’s limitations.  This gives you the ability to track and map the network relationship data of sharing activity across all social and messaging platforms, delivering cross-platform analytics on shares, platforms, media (owned, paid, earned), specific channels, strongest organic influencers and much more, empowering you to optimize each new amplification campaign for greater results.  You just can’t get this valuable cross-platform relationship data with manual, do-it-yourself sharing strategies.

lookalike audience


Next-Level Analytix

As each automated amplification campaign is running, the platform is tracking a significant amount of meaningful and actionable amplification data that you can use to provide insights towards optimizing each future campaign.  For example, a Facebook ad that doesn’t do well with initial conversions may do very well with amplification.  An existing audience member or new acquisition may share and generate significant engagement.  You can identify these organic influencers and leverage them for future campaigns.  You may want to know which social platforms are the most prolific within your space, allowing you to disable the use of platforms that are less used, driving greater reach potential.


A Platform Without a Fee!

There is absolutely no charge to use the platform!  When you generate direct referrals through amplification who then generate multiple levels of indirect referrals – a portion of your existing ad budget covers the direct referral acquisitions.  All indirect referrals – the bulk of the leads generated – are all free!

Media Flow

Existing Audience

You Own

Direct Acquisition

You Pay For

Indirect Acquisition

You Get Free

Pay Less - Get More!™ campaigns work on an Amplification CPA pricing model.  The cost to generate a direct referral is $20 and your direct acquisitions will be limited to the portion of your ad budget allocated to the amplification portion of the campaign.  You get unlimited (∞) qualified Indirect referrals as deep as your amplification campaign reach penetrates, all for free.  Yes – you read that right – unlimited & free!  In our experience, direct referrals tend to share at least once, and typically generate a minimum of 2 Indirect referral acquisitions each, with each new layer penetrated.

Click the button below to see an example.

"™ is to Social what Google is to Search!"

We've Compiled Several Successful Amplification Business Case Studies

Take a look at some of the great successes our clients have experienced with Amplification across multiple spaces.

Choose from a business case study category below, click the category and you’ll be taken to the specific case studies for that category.  Then, select a case study to see how the organization was able to amplify their audience.

"™: Create a Referral Chain Reaction!"

Below Are a Few Examples of Use-Cases That Amplify Very Well

Check out some examples of use cases that amplify really well.  There are a significant number of campaigns we’ve run that have rypl’d nicely – click the button below to see a non-exhaustive list of examples.

Organic Influence Makes RYPL's

Influencer Marketing 2.0

Stop paying for Influencers who don’t influence!  The whole point of leveraging influencers is to benefit from their influence. And merely having a large following is a weak indicator of true influence.  Without ‘proof’ of influence, you really don’t know if the investment you are going to make in paying an influencer to drive new business your way will in fact bring any level of return. Without that proof, how can you know for sure? The risk is heavily in your court. gives you the data to ‘prove’ authentic influence!™: The Weapon of Mass Conversion

What Makes The™ Platform Unique?

Multigenerational Referral Amplification is a marketing concept that describes the process by which a product or service is promoted through multiple generations of referrals or recommendations. It involves a chain reaction of recommendations from one person to another, extending through several layers or generations, thereby amplifying the reach and impact of the original referral.

Here’s how it typically works:

1st Generation: An initial customer or user discovers a product or service and has a positive experience with it. They then refer or recommend it to friends, family, or colleagues.

2nd Generation: Those who received the initial referral become customers or users themselves and, if they have a positive experience, they, in turn, refer the product or service to others in their network.

3rd Generation and beyond: The process continues as each new set of customers or users refers the offering to their own networks, creating a cascading effect of referrals across multiple generations.

Multigenerational Referral Amplification can be highly effective because it leverages trust and personal connections. People are more likely to trust recommendations from friends or family, so each new generation of referrals benefits from this trust. This amplification process can lead to exponential growth in customer acquisition and brand awareness.

It’s important for businesses to facilitate and incentivize referrals to harness this powerful marketing strategy effectively. This might involve referral programs, discounts, or rewards for customers who refer others, encouraging them to participate in the amplification process.™ is the first and only platform that automates the amplification process to make the content being referred go viral, utilizing organic referral tracking codes to connect users who share with users who engage that share, in a ‘parent-child’ or ‘offspring’ relationship.  This allows us to provide you with a network relationship map that shows with both data and visuals, the organic genealogical ancestry, connectivity and virality of each participant in a sharing campaign.  Access the reach of each new acquisition, Identify your strongest organic influencers – and demonstrate the actual influence (or lack of influence) of your paid influencers.  See which sharing platforms are used the most in a campaign for your space.  Understand which media (like digital ads) produce the most organic sharing.

Multigenerational Referral Amplification is a marketing concept that describes the process by which a product or service is promoted through multiple generations of referrals or recommendations. It involves a chain reaction of recommendations from one person to another, extending through several layers or generations, thereby amplifying the reach and impact of the original referral.

Here’s how it typically works:

1st Generation: An initial customer or user discovers a product or service and has a positive experience with it. They then refer or recommend it to friends, family, or colleagues.

2nd Generation: Those who received the initial referral become customers or users themselves and, if they have a positive experience, they, in turn, refer the product or service to others in their network.

3rd Generation and beyond: The process continues as each new set of customers or users refers the offering to their own networks, creating a cascading effect of referrals across multiple generations.

Multigenerational Referral Amplification can be highly effective because it leverages trust and personal connections. People are more likely to trust recommendations from friends or family, so each new generation of referrals benefits from this trust. This amplification process can lead to exponential growth in customer acquisition and brand awareness.

It’s important for businesses to facilitate and incentivize referrals to harness this powerful marketing strategy effectively. This might involve referral programs, discounts, or rewards for customers who refer others, encouraging them to participate in the amplification process.™ is the first and only platform that automates the amplification process to make the content being referred go viral, utilizing organic referral tracking codes to connect users who share with users who engage that share, in a ‘parent-child’ or ‘offspring’ relationship.  This allows us to provide you with a network relationship map that shows with both data and visuals, the organic genealogical ancestry, connectivity and virality of each participant in a sharing campaign.  Access the reach of each new acquisition, Identify your strongest organic influencers – and demonstrate the actual influence (or lack of influence) of your paid influencers.  See which sharing platforms are used the most in a campaign for your space.  Understand which media (like digital ads) produce the most organic sharing.

Companies have been trying for years to ‘break the code’ with respect to leveraging social media to drive acquisitions.  Posting content, sharing content, hiring influencers, being able to track the network journey of a shared post by user and sharing platform, understanding the organic referral analytics beyond the initial direct referral channel, and many other valuable insights and actions are all required to understand how to best invest your marketing spend when it comes to Social Media marketing for audience acquisition.  There are several tools available that when combined, can help with a few of these things but until now, there just hasn’t been a cost-effective way to build a viral acquisition amplification strategy/ campaign that leverages existing owned and paid media to drive traffic and conversions exponentially, through multiple generations – all in a single tool/ platform.

The goal with using™ attached to your acquisition campaigns is to significantly increase the value of your existing media audience assets by leveraging them to organically drive more qualified traffic through existing social relationships with trusted, likeminded friends and followers.  Going with the ‘300 followers’ social stat, let’s use the following assumptions:

  • You have a subscriber list of 2,000
  • You incentivize them to share an exciting offer with their social networks
  • That offer further incentivizes those who engage to further share with their audiences
  • We will use a 50% share rate and a 2% conversion-to-acquisition rate
  • 1,000 people will share, your reach will grow to 300,000 and you will acquire 6,000 at the direct level.
  • If 50% of those direct referral acquisitions share  (3,000), your reach would further increase by 900,000 and you would acquire an additional 18,000 at the 1st indirect level.
  • 50% at that level who share (9,000) would increase your reach even further by 2,700,000 and further generate 54,000 new acquisitions.
  • Rinse & Repeat…

So by starting with existing media and not using any paid media, you were able to generate 78,000 new acquisitions – but you would only be charged for the initial 6,000 direct referral acquisitions.  At a CPA of $25, your Amplification CPA is actually reduced to $1.92!

All of the resources to do this in campaign after campaign are included in the™ platform and you can run as many campaigns as you can manage.

This is how you use one pay-for-performance platform to redirect your paid media budget from limited acquisition channels to a single, virtually unlimited acquisition program.

Normally, users are limited to only being able to share within a single platform.  As a result – shared posts within a platform were only limited to the reach that was available within that platform.™ campaign applets exist outside of social platforms, allowing for the generation of cross-platform sharing – freeing users to share across multiple platforms – thereby significantly increasing the reach of each share made – and growing the sharing potential exponentially.  You can now make any post go viral!

The execution of a™ share creates a unique link that drives a user to the external campaign page and tracks the platform that executed the share, the campaign ID and the user who made the share – and connects them to anyone who further shares from there, forming a ‘parent-child’ relationship that allows for the creation of a ‘sharing genealogy’ which then creates a powerful visual – and valuable, actionable cross-platform data insights, demonstrating the power of the RYPL effect (amplification) of each share.

Now you can leverage incentives like contests and offers to drive viral amplification through organic referrals.  Through the creation of our proprietary ‘appless-sharing’ technology,™ removed itself from the limitations imposed through restrictive social platform policies that blocked incentivized sharing.  Most social platforms have tried to force campaign designers to use that platform’s built-in sharing apps, by claiming that this will help them compile multiple data points about each user that engages.  This allowed them to build an automated approval process for each campaign, giving them the ability to block any campaign that was seen to be incentivizing sharing.  This approval process slowed the ability to launch campaigns to a snail’s pace.  Initially the data points they offered were quite valuable, but with privacy legislation that was subsequently introduced, restrictions were enforced that significantly reduced the legal availability of many of those data points, rendering the use and value of these social platform apps virtually pointless.™’s ‘appless-sharing’ technology removed itself from these restrictions by empowering the user to share a post from outside the platform – without the requirement of the social platform’s sharing apps – therefore eliminating their control over incentivized sharing.

Ready - Set - Amplify!

Getting Started

What's Involved In Running an Amplification Campaign?

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has been credited with saying, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Starting can appear daunting unless you know what is required. We’ve laid out some key steps to help make it easier to get your amplification campaign planned and started. Consume the steps herein and you should find it much easier to get your campaign on the road.

Review Our Blog Articles

Below is the most recent blog content we’ve created to help you understand the benefit of amplification, and the value it affords those who engage it.  Click here to enjoy all our blog content.

Here's a CPA example:

If a single owned media channel audience member shares and that share generates 5 direct referrals who then influence 3 indirect referrals each (15), who then further influence 2 indirect referrals each (30), you’ll only pay for the 5 direct referrals, and the additional 45 indirect referrals are free of charge!  Using the direct referral CoA charge of $20 – this would mean you’d pay $100 for the 5 direct referrals ($20×5). But because you actually generated a total of 50 referrals (5 direct and 45 indirect), your CoA would actually be reduced to $2.00 ($100/50).

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