Leverage Paid Media:
Before RYPL.io:
The goal with lead generation is to reduce your cost of acquisition (CoA). The most efficient way to do this is by increasing the number of leads acquired with the same budget. A standard practice to do this is AB testing, using analytics to see which of multiple ads are performing best and then moving your budget to those ads, turning off the lower performing ones.
With RYPL.io:
Rypl.io gives you an additional edge by empowering you to generate thousands of additional leads or ‘referrals’ organically, with the same budget.
We use the ‘split-budget’ concept where you put a specified percentage of your current budget to your current ad strategy and the remaining percentage towards the ‘force-multiplier’ of automated organic referral generation.
You will generate Direct Referrals – influenced directly from those leads you acquired from your ads, and you will generate Indirect Referrals – those who are influenced indirectly from those Direct Referrals, who then further generate more Indirect Referrals, who also generate additional Indirect Referrals and so on, ‘ad infinitum’, until the campaign closes.
You only pay for the Direct referrals and they only stop once the allocated budget portion is used.
A huge additional ‘byproduct benefit’ you get that is unique to the RYPL.io platform is that a paid ad campaign in a single social or search platform becomes a force-multiplier, spreading the ad beyond that single platform into other platforms, extending your reach into those platforms organically and giving you a much wider cast net.
If you have a budget of $10,000 for digital ads which typically generates 500 leads, with the automated organic referral generation process, you could simply apply 50% of that budget to the same digital ads to get 50% of the results (250 leads) – and you would then apply the other 50% to automated organic referral generation to generate 250 Direct Referrals – and an unlimited amount of Indirect Referrals. Every Indirect Referral generated continues to lower your CoA – and you will always get more referrals than you would without using ‘Engineered Virality’.