Introducing Lead Re-Generation

Why merely generate leads one at a time when you can re-generate many leads at a time exponentially by creating multiple organic lead generation amplification funnels? Here’s how it’s done.  Traces of the digital DNA that exists in your current qualified customers and social followers can also be found in each of their social audiences, connected through trusted social relationships. Using your existing audience, you can generate leads directly, who will then generate multiple leads indirectly. And it doesn’t stop at a single generation – but continues through multiple degrees of separation creating a chain reaction that is infinite in nature. It’s almost like genetic cloning. By tapping into the multi-generational digital family tree, you can identify and access a lineage of hundreds and even thousands of likeminded people who have similar interests to those already in your audience.

Instead of charging you for every new lead, we only charge for the initial, direct ‘acquisition of origin’, the funnel-initiator. This creates the opportunity for your acquisition costs to decrease significantly, as more and more indirect acquisitions are added to each funnel.


Let's Get Started!
$ 25
  • Cost per Direct Lead: $25USD
  • Budget Determines # of Direct Leads
  • ie: $5,000USD gets 200 Direct Leads
  • Cost per Indirect Lead: $0
  • Unlimited # of Indirect Leads
  • Minimum Spend of $1,000USD

CPDL = Cost Per Direct Lead
CPIL = Cost Per Indirect Lead
DLA = Direct Lead Acquisition
ILA = Indirect Lead Acquisition

What Happens When I Hit My Budget Target?

A campaign typically runs for 30 days. When you reach your budget target prior to the end of a 30-day campaign, you have the option of stopping the DLA portion of the campaign and letting the ILA portion continue, or, if you wish to continue acquiring DLAs for the balance of the campaign, we can leave the full campaign running and you simply pay the set DLA rate for all the DLAs acquired during the campaign.

We’ve created a simple calculator to help demonstrate the drastic drop in lead acquisition costs that occurs when you amplify your lead generation.

Let's Get Started!

We believe in the ‘hands-on’ approach and strong campaign support to get the most out of every campaign.  That’s why we do all the heavy lifting.  This allows for a campaign to be set up, tested and running live within as low as 24 hours!  Simply click the button below, fill in and submit the form, and we will reach back to set up a time to chat and discuss the details of your campaign.

CPA Savings Calculator

Enter your budget between $500 and $1,000,000USD, and play with the # of Indirect Leads Per Generation and # of Generations.  You’ll quickly see the power of amplification to drive down acquisition costs!

With the Amplification Budget amount you entered, you’ll achieve a Cost of Acquisition reduction of %PERCENTAGE_SAVINGS%!

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